Park regulations
What are the park regulations of the Zwin Nature Park?
Any person visiting the Zwin Nature Park is deemed to have accepted the park's regulations.
You can view the regulations here.
Article 1
Zwin Nature Park (address: Graaf Leon Lippensdreef 8, 8300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium) is operated by IVA Zwin Natuur Park and consists of:
- a fee-paying zone, comprising the outdoor park and the museum section of the Visitor Centre;
- a no-charge zone, comprising parts of the Visitor Centre, the cafeteria, the car park and the outdoor spaces.
The Zwin Plain is subject to separate admittance regulations laid down by the Flemish Nature and Forests Agency. The different zones are shown in colour on the map.
Article 2
Visitors to the Zwin Nature Park are deemed to have agreed to comply with these rules of use, the terms and conditions and the provincial police regulations for public domains managed by the province of West Flanders, as applicable to Zwin Nature Park.
Visitors must immediately comply with all directions and instructions given by Zwin personnel or park wardens. Failure to comply with such directions and instructions may result in denial of access.
Article 3
For security reasons, it is prohibited to leave baggage, rucksacks and goods or items of a similar nature unattended anywhere in the park. It is obligatory for visitors to store their baggage in the designated lockers.
Article 4
In the Zwin Nature Park, it is forbidden to:
- consume beverages and food, except in the hospitality establishments and in the areas provided and designated for such consumption;
- enter the zone without an admittance ticket or written permission;
- enter the zone with pets or other animals, except for guide dogs that must visibly be kept on a physical leash at all times;
- enter the zone outside the paths and other infrastructure open to visitors;
- be present after opening hours, except with written permission;
- smoke;
- use bicycles, go-karts, roller skates, inline skates, hover boards and similar vehicles.
Article 5
The following rules apply at the Zwin Nature Park:
- every visitor is requested to dress decently and to wear appropriate clothing;
- groups of minors must always be under the supervision of an adult;
- children not yet 12 years of age must always enter the Zwin Nature Park under supervision;
- after a customer has purchased tickets or subscriptions, they cannot be exchanged, resold or refunded. A ticket or subscription will not be refunded under any circumstances whatsoever, even if the ticket or subscription was not used by the customer during the period of validity;
- a speed limit of 5 km/h applies throughout the Zwin Nature Park;
- management reserves the right to restrict access to the Zwin Nature Park, to deny visitors access or to evacuate the Zwin Nature Park if necessitated by a peak in the number of visitors, security reasons or force majeure;
- audiovisual recording equipment may be brought into the Zwin Nature Park and used only for personal purposes. Audiovisual recordings for professional usage, publicity purposes and dissemination via the media are allowed only with the prior written permission of the Zwin Nature Park.
Article 6
The following rules apply to the car park and outdoor spaces:
- it is prohibited to park bicycles outside the designated and marked places and to park cars outside the parking bays provided;
- access to the car park is prohibited for lorries, trailers and caravans;
- buses, coaches and camper vans must park in the specially provided and marked parking bays;
- a speed limit of 10 km/h applies in the car park.
Article 7
Deliveries made by motor vehicles for hospitality establishments and for the Zwin Nature Park must take place before 10:00 hrs or after 16:30 hrs. Suppliers must follow the signs displayed.
Article 8
Any deviations from these rules of use are subject to the prior permission of IVA Zwin Natuur Park, following a written request.