
How much does a group visit cost?

  • If you book 2 weeks before your visit + if your group consists of 20 or more paying persons the price is €11 per person
  • If you book less than 2 weeks in advance and/or if your group consists of fewer than 20 paying persons, you pay the on-line price of €12 per person

IMPORTANT – This is subject to the availability of guides. If you book less than 2 weeks in advance, there is a possibility that no guides will be available.

  •  Surcharge for a guide:
    - €85 per 20 persons for a group visit

Do I have to pay a deposit?

No, a deposit is not required. However, costs will be charged for cancellation (see

Can I come beforehand to look around and prepare my visit?

Yes. You can briefly visit the park with a maximum of 2 persons in order to prepare a group
visit. You must make an appointment beforehand by telephone or by email.Your advance visit will be supervised by a member of staff of the Zwin Nature Park.

I don't yet know the exact number. Can I adjust the number after making the booking?

  • Definitive numbers must be confirmed not later than 7 working days before the visit by email to [email protected] or by telephone on 050/60 70 86.
  • The definitive numbers are binding for the invoiced amount and will determine the number of guides (maximum of 20 persons per guide).

Must I reserve in advance?

  • For a guided visit you must book at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • For an unaccompanied visit without a guide you can enjoy the group price up to the day before the visit.

What happens if I cancel?

  • Guided visit: if you want to cancel a guide, you must notify the Zwin Nature Park not later than 7 working days before the visit, either by post or by email. Otherwise, cancellation costs will be charged at 100% of the price for a guide.
  • Visit without a guide:
    A scheduled corporate visit without a guide can be rebooked for a later date.